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Discover why this Harmodesk is used on 5 continents in SSC/BPO service centers and Back Office teams.

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Our selected customers

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Our selected customers


"It's much easier for managers - they have data from multiple reports and multiple sources in one place."

Rafał Kozłowski
CFO, Wiceprezes Asseco

"We didn't know who does what and when, what are tasks the employees have devoted their time to. Thanks to Harmodesk, their work became visible."

George Bouamrirene
Transformation Manager Schneider Electric

"It means less stress - I am sure that priority tasks will be completed."

Katarzyna Fita
Director of Accounting and Tax at RASP

"After just one month the results of this implementation were already visible. We could see, measure and observe the new reality."

Waldemar Hlebowicz
Managing Director

"We achieved a 30% growth in productivity in the pilot. Currently our employees want to constantly develop themselves - this is their road to perfection , although they know that’s a journey which never ends."

Renata Kabas-Komorniczak
BPO Poland Partner


"Wypracowaliśmy sobie pewne standardy, co spowodowało, że praca teraz jest przyjemnością, a nie stresem, jak wcześniej."


"I accepted it. There are various timing apps at other companies. By comparison, HarmoDesk is not difficult at all."

Senior Associate

"HarmoDesk allows you to control your own results and progress. You can see how many activities have been done on a particular day and which still need to be done."


"My work is now better organized. I can focus on my work, on my responsibilities, on the actions to be undertaken and on the tasks to be completed. I don't have to think about what is still needed to do."


"HarmoDesk is a simple tool, easy to use and requires no additional training."


Team Leaders

"Why Harmodesk? We needed a tool to help us track time, which is crucial for BPO. The software is very intuitive and the team has made a habit of using it."

Renata Kabas-Komorniczak
BPO Poland Partner

"It is a tool that reflects our work in great detail. Everything we do during the working day is recorded."

Dorota Radomska
Customer Service Manager

"It was a very light implementation, it took a couple of days in the teams and the teams were ready to record time and use this software."

Tomasz Tuszyński
Operation Excellence Manager